As a third-party supplier for clients with demanding print needs, ABC Imaging strives to constantly evaluate trends in digital printing technology. Our efforts extend from evaluating equipment for reprographic services to determining systems and processes for color management.

Software Development

By dedicating the significant resources required for in-house software development, ABC Imaging demonstrates its commitment to software development.

From the first release of our software in 1999 through the current release, all application software has been developed by the ABC Imaging Software Development department. Simply put: ABC Imaging does not outsource software development to other vendors.

Familiar with projects requiring enterprise-level technologies, the ABC Imaging Software Development department provides the experience and continuity required. Our programmers work closely with the product management team to develop features that support real-world applications.


ABC Imaging utilizes BlueprintOnline (BPOL) for online document management hosting. BPOL allows users to manage their documents from the cloud. BPOL is collaborative by nature and enables workflows for the entire project team using some of the most comprehensive features available for an online document management solution.

BPOL is a portal for all of your online project management needs. Through BPOL, users are able to access to construction documents any time and any place.

BPOL features a simple interface that allows you to organize projects using standard construction set formats. Users access files using a project tree that grows with the project, and includes version control for tracking drawing changes. With BPOL, you can manage your entire project online: track the viewing, purchasing, and delivery for plans and specifications for the entire project team. File access is managed through permission levels set by your designated administrator.

By using BPOL for online document management hosting, users are able to rest assured that project files are stored and backed up to a secure, offsite location. All of your files, revisions, and project history live safely in the cloud. To ensure file protection over the internet, BlueprintOnline encrypts files for all transfers. This creates a secure project planroom for you and your team.

For more information about Blueprint online and online document management hosting, please contact our BPOL representative by phone at 703.683.2080, or email at

Cloud Services

ABC Imaging provides cloud services that allow you to save and access documents from multiple devices. Cloud printing allows for easy printing of documents stored on the Internet (the Cloud).

ABC Imaging’s cloud services allow users to send print jobs to a virtual printer that will later allow the user to print it from a device anywhere within the organization. No computer or email access necessary.

Our cloud services also allow scanned files to be captured throughout the enterprise and accessible anywhere using the Cloud interface. Documents can be scanned and captured through any multi-function device or scan-enabled plotter or from any workstation using the virtual scanner.

ABC Imaging’s Cost Recovery system also works with the cloud, and allows the sending, receiving, and archiving functionality of a cost recovery system without the traditional phone lines.